The Fortune Is In The Follow Up!

Aug 23, 2020

You know it, & YOU'VE heard it before.


This is such a common question I get from women all the time, how do I follow up, when do I follow up, how do I organize my follow ups....

This is actually one of the KEY steps I take ladies through in my Power Hour Workshop. 

1. Don't overthink follow-ups!

Now, I'm not a super organized person, lol. If you're into it though

I go to the Dollar Store and I buy a notebook and some highlighters. If there's someone I think who might be interested, I write her name down with some of the things we've talked about before. I highlight her name in pink if it's someone I want to follow up with. THAT'S IT! 

2. How long to wait to reach back out

If I have invited someone to something, I'll follow up in ONE day. Hopefully, she'll get back to me.

If I don't hear back, I wait FOUR more days and ask what questions she has.

If she still hasn't replied, I wait about 8-10 more days. What I say here is something like "Hey (so and so), I have a feeling this might not be for you, and that's totally okay! But, I was wondering, do you know anyone else who this might be really good for? I'd love for you to pass my name along. Thanks again for following me! I hope I can still inspire you with my recipes and stuff that I share"

Then, I don't bug her ever again! 

If she continues to watch my stories and like my posts, I KNOW that at some point she will reach back out to me when she is ready. Only THEN will we start the conversation again! 
There is no perfect strategy to this business. It's really about doing it every day and keeping emotionless

You CAN do this!


Michelle 💕


The Real Truth About Grief with Michelle Pfile

Feb 14, 2024