A Network Marketer sharing tips on how to be more productive and earn income in 60 mins a day.

Don't Waste Your Time on This if You're a Network Marketer!

Dec 14, 2020

How much time are you wasting in your Network Marketing Business.

Doing things like scrolling social media, elbow deep into "ANOTHER" training on how to...(whatever the new things is), making pretty graphics, and even writing your content.

Be honest — how much time?
I can admit it, I constantly have to reign myself in to get back to the things that will move my business and income forward!
The best advice I can give you is - make sure your income generating tasks are DONE FIRST!⁣

Here's my truth, I LOVE learning. I love learning new techniques, trainings about social media that I can bring to my clients and team. 

I REALLY love playing in Canva...like A LOT! 

I love seeing what everyone else is up too...

BUT and it's a BIG OLE BUT - I have learned that if I don't do the things that are going to move the needle forward in my business FIRST - I will get lost in the tantalizing Social Media/Free Trainings/Canva Abyss only to return when I've lost a few hours and now have to go pick up my kiddo from school!

Here is what helps me stay focused and on track to completing those steps and tasks that sometimes aren't the "FUN" but are productive and will result in your business moving forward!

⁣It's the BASIC TASKS in Network Marketing that create the INCOME!

And the best thing about it, if it's done with intention it really should take more than 60mins a day! Now of course BIG GOALS means 10X'd work effort.

Let's start with 60 mins and what you should be concentrating your time on!

I first ALWAYS set my TIMER and SHUT DOWN all social media notifications, this is not a time to be answering messages, or reading what your friend posted!

It's CRITICAL that you give yourself this time!

You maybe saying I don't have 60 mins at once - ok neither did I when I started, so I chunked it down - 15 mins POWER POCKETS, and the Nap Time Hustle is a REAL thing in Network Marketing...whatever time you have take it, take like pockets until you have got your these things done!

GROW your NETWORK! (15 mins)
I'm afraid that your friends and family are only going to buy so much! You need to make sure you're always finding new people to talk to, to grow a relationship with especially if you are using Social Media to build your business!

Filling your funnel with Ideal Clients is KEY to success!

Once you find these awesome people make sure you are connecting with them and growing your sense of community! Yes Social Media is a place to get to know people - so you can decide if they are a person you'd even like to do business with.

Spend time commenting, inquiring and asking questions about things that truly interest you with the people you are finding.

INVITING (10 mins)
You have to invite people. YES I do have people reach out to me all the time because I am always publicly inviting to what I have to offer on my Social Media...however you do need to ask people.

If there are people you've grown a relationship with and you TRULY think they'd be a perfect client for what you have to offer - boldly ask them - share with them WHY you think this would really help them!

FOLLOW-UPS (10 mins)
The fortune is in the FOLLOW UP it truly is! Every successful type of business is GREAT AT FOLLOWING UP!!

All those emails you get from different companies that's a version of FOLLOWING UP with you.

You need to stay on top of the people you are inviting and chatting with and follow up with them! They say it takes a person 8-12 exposures to something before they will buy from you...


And there you have it 60 mins of activities that WILL MOVE the needle forward in your business and now you can go have some fun in CANVA, or scroll -- go nuts and create a great story sequence or reel on IG!

I hope these tips help. I've learned this the hard way - trust me! There were many days, that I finally laid my head on the pillow after a long day realizing SHIT - I didn't DO ANYTHING today that will actually help me make some sales, meet some people...

Now I would LOVE to hear from you, as you know the best conversations always happen in the comments - 

What is your biggest TIME SUCK in your business right now? 

If you're a NETWORK MARKETER and want more tips, great mini trainings weekly for FREE then JUMP into my FREE TRAINING HUB on Facebook - The Contagious Community


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